The Growing Apostasy

The Growing Apostasy

The Growing Apostasy

Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. — 2 Timothy 3:13

A recent article in The Week magazine titled The Rise of Atheism in America claims between 25 to 30 percent of present day skeptics were once members of various “Christian” denominations.  This does not necessarily mean these “dropouts” were true Christians in the Bible sense of the word. It is one thing to be a church member, and something else to be a born-again believer!  So, this statistic does not indicate any substantial group of Bible believer’s forsaking the Lord Jesus Christ to become atheists.

The article seeks to answer the question: “Why are so many people leaving religion?” The article claims, “It’s primarily a backlash against the religious Right… the religious Right’s politicization of faith in the 1990s turned younger, socially liberal Christians away from churches… The dropouts were turned off by churches’ Old Testament condemnation of homosexuals, premarital sex, contraception, and abortion…”  First of all, it must be pointed out it is not just the Old Testament that condemns these social sins, but also the New Testament!  Secondly, it needs to be noted the Bible predicted there would be a falling away from the faith in the latter days (2 Thess. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 4:3-4) and skepticism would increase (2 Pet. 3:3-4).

Christian, don’t be shaken in your faith by this perceived exodus from various church denominations.  Be encouraged! This only confirms what the Bible said would be happening. Lift up your head! Your redemption draweth nigh!

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