The Heights of Lowliness

The Heights of Lowliness

View from the valleyWho am I, O LORD GOD, and what is mine house, that thou hast brought me hitherto? —1 Chronicles 17:16

It is only by humility and meekness that we arrive at greatness. Lowliness is the secret of spiritual perception. I see best in the lowly places. God’s Word calls it “the valley of vision” (Isa. 22:1). We usually associate vision with elevated areas like mountain tops. But in the spiritual realm, the heights are seen from the valley.

Lowliness is also the secret of spiritual roominess. It is only the humble man who has any room for the things of God. The rooms of the proud man’s heart are already filled with self-conceit and God is crowded out.  Our Lord always finds plenty of room for Himself in the humble heart that says, “Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof” (Mt. 8:8).

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