The Help of Egypt

The Help of Egypt

Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help. (Isaiah 31:1)

Abram tried to get the help of Egypt and got into an embarrassing predicament, denied his wife, and was sent out of the land. What a testimony for the Father of the Faithful! But he as not the only good man who visited Egypt in time of famine. We forget so easily that God can furnish a table in the wilderness. When times are hard we turn to the world for help. And sometimes Egypt offers a bigger salary!

We never need to leave Canaan and go back over Jordan for any reason whatsoever. We commonly think of the Promised Land as flowing with milk and honey, flourishing with figs and pomegranates. But sometimes God sends a drought and the brook runs dry. The pickings are slim and the garlic and onions and fleshpots tantalize us, tempt us to Egypt.

Are you passing through a dry spell and a lean season? Christians and churches are apt to turn to Pharaoh in spiritual famine. But it always means denial and embarrassment and humiliation and loss of testimony. All that we need we have in Canaan. No side trips are necessary. Settle down in Beulah Land and enjoy the country!

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