The Hypocrite

The Hypocrite

An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour —Proverbs 11:9

You will notice that the damage inflicted by a hypocrite is done with his mouth,or by the things he says.

It is interesting the English word “hypocrite” is a derivative from the Greek word “huper-krivo” which means an pretender or someone who is “hyper-critical.” When you study the times Jesus called someone a hypocrite, it was usually in the context of someone being critical or judgmental (see Mt. 7:4-5; 15:1-7; 22:15-18; Luke 13:14-15).

This describes a Pharisee perfectly: One who pretends to be something he is not and is hypercritical of God’s people.

Does this description fit anyone you know? I hope it doesn’t describe you. Don’t be a hypocrite!

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