The King’s Business

“…the king’s business required haste— 1 Samuel 21:8

Every Christian is a servant of the King of kings. The King’s business is our business. We are on a mission with a message from the King. It is urgent… It is a matter of life and death… It should take priority in our lives… It is something that should never be put off.  His business requires haste for “the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4).

Our days are numbered…  souls are perishing… The King is coming at any moment!  Why dawdle?  How can we drag our feet concerning the King’s command?  As the Psalmist said, I made HASTE, and DELAYED NOT to keep thy commandments (Ps. 119:60).

Let us arise to the work being hastened and pressed on by the king’s commandment. (Esther 8:14).

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