The LORD Jesus Christ

The LORD Jesus Christ

Partial outline: FULL PDF HERE

Acts 11:1-18 (text v. 17)

This is the beginning of a series of messages on the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. For example: “Wonderful”… “Counselor”… “The Mighty God”… “The Everlasting Father”… “The Prince of Peace”… “The rose of Sharon”… “The lily of the valleys”… “The Lamb of God”… “The Good Shepherd”… “ The Ancient of days”… “The bright and morning star”… “Lion of the tribe of Judah”… “Emmanuel”… “Alpha and Omega”… “The last Adam”… “the Amen”… “King of kings and Lord of lords.”

In Biblical times, names were significant. They often revealed the nature, character, or position of a person.

It is interesting to hear how people got their names—Why their parents give them the name they did. Some are named after a relative in their family. Some are named after some heroic Bible character or an outstanding character trait. I wish I could tell you that I got my name because of some special attribute my parents hoped would be true in my life. (Allan means “handsome and smart.”) However, I got my name because of a mistake. After I was born, my mother filled out the information for my birth certificate. When she got to the line to write in the baby’s name, she thought it was the line for the baby’s father’s name, so she wrote down my dad’s name. So I have the same name as my Dad, but it was a mistake.

  •  God instructed Mary and Joseph to name the child “Jesus” (Mt. 1:21). In a sense Jesus was named after His father (Jehovah)—“Jesus” means literally “Jehovah is salvation” / “Jehovah saves.”
  • Matthew 8:2 is the first reference of someone calling Him “Lord.” Matthew 1:16,
  • He is called “Christ.”

Sometimes He was called “Jesus Christ,” / “Christ, the Lord,” / “the Lord Jesus,” or simply “Lord,” or “Christ,” or just “Jesus.”

Acts 11:17 is the first place where all three names are clustered together:

“The LORD JESUS CHRIST.” The combination of all three names together—“Lord Jesus Christ”— is found 87 times in the Bible.

Paul, particularly liked using the full name, “the Lord Jesus Christ.” Anyone who ever met the Apostle Paul, learned very quickly that Paul was mainly about one thing—“The Lord Jesus Christ.”

The full name, “Lord Jesus Christ,” typifies an allusion to the Godhead.

  1.   “Lord” = God the father (deity).
  2.   “Jesus” = God the Son (humanity Heb. 2:9).
  3.   “Christ” = God the Spirit (anointed – 1 Sam. 16:13; Luke 4:18).

In this message I want to study the significance of this three-fold name — “The Lord Jesus Christ.”

I. “LORD” – Signifies His PREDOMINANCE.

“Lord” speaks of Him as MASTER (John 13:13-14). Indicates authority.
”Lord” identifies Who He is—He is GOD… He is LORD… OWNER.

A.   The first mention of “LORD” in Genesis 2:4. Cf. Colossians 1:16 —  “For by him [Jesus] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth… all things were created by him, and for him.” John 1:1, 3—“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” Jesus is the Creator and Lord of the O.T.

  1. The name “LORD” (all capital letters) is “Jehovah” in Hebrew. It means the “self-existent One.” When Moses asked the Lord at the burning bush what His name was, God answered, “I am that I am” — He is who He is! Whenever you find “LORD” in the Bible it was always a reference to God.
  2. Sometimes the Bible refers to God as “Lord” (small letters). See Daniel 9:9-10. This is “Adoni” in Hebrew (OT) and “kurios” in Greek (NT).

B. Early Christians used the title “Lord” referring to the deity of Jesus Christ (John 20:28).

II. “JESUS” – Signifies His PERSON. He is the Savior.


Partial outline: FULL PDF HERE

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