“Preach the Word… reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but… heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears” —2 Tim. 4:2-3

During the reign of Manasseh, the Word of God was misplaced. It was misplaced because it wasn’t being consulted. Many years later under the reign of King Josiah, it was found (2 Chron. 34:15-33). Where was it found? The same place it was lost—In the house of God.

Unfortunately, many modern churches have also lost the Book. It is lost in the church. It is no longer consulted or preached. The blessed King James Bible is being forsaken for perverted versions that have no cutting edge. The great Bible doctrines that early church gave their lives for has become irrelevant to the modern church. The preachers of the Book have been replaced by entertainers, self-help teachers, gurus, and drama teams. The thundering voice of God’s preachers that shouted, “Hell is hot… Heaven is sweet… Salvation is free,” has been replaced by the monotone voice of syrupy lecturers who gives lessons on how to feel good about yourself. Pastors today need to quit promoting the “book of the month” and get back to preaching the Book of the Ages!

I cannot speak for other preachers or churches, but as for me and Bible Baptist Church, we haven’t lost the Book. We still got it… we still preach it… and we ain’t gonna lose it! If you want it, come and get it!

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