The Pastor / Shepherd

The Pastor / Shepherd

He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. —Isaiah 40:11

While the primary job of a pastor is preaching, his preaching would be meaningless without people sitting in the pews. He is not only a preacher, but also a shepherd of God’s people. Therefore, a pastor is in the “people business.” Today’s text verse gives a threefold focus for every pastor toward the flock God has entrusted him with:

1) He is to LOVE his people—“he shall… carry them in his bosom.” As Paul said to the church at Philippi, “I have you in my heart” I love the people of Bible Baptist Church. I carry them in my heart throughout the day. (Phil. 1:7).

2) He is to LIFT his people—“he shall gather the lambs with his arm…’ I love the imagery of that statement. He stretches out his arms and lifts the lambs up. A compassionate pastor realizes his people have been out in the world all week long in a hostile environment. They’ve been attacked and faced a barrage of Satan’s fiery darts. They come into church and sit down in a pew hoping for a little relief from the abuse of the world. Here is where a pastor LIFTS his people’s hearts and encourages them from God’s Word. Then throughout the rest of the week he is LIFTING them up in prayer before the throne of grace interceding on their behalf.

3) He is to LEAD his people—“he shall… gently lead those that are with young.” A pastor is not a cattle driver. He is a leader. He doesn’t PUSH the flock. If he’s pushing, he is behind the flock. He needs to out front leading by example in soul winning, prayer, Bible Study, praise, etc.

I praise God for calling me to Love, Lift, and Lead the people of Bible Baptist Church. I wouldn’t trade my calling for anything in the world.


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