The People’s Choice

The People’s Choice

The People’s Choice

Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? … They said, Barabbas. —Matthew 27:19, 21

Barabbas rather than Christ!  A taker of life rather than the Giver of Life.   A rebel rather than the Redeemer.  This was the choice of the people.

How often do I make that same choice?  Each time I choose revenge over forgiveness, I am choosing Barabbas. Each time I choose hate over love I choose Barabbas. Every time I choose the flesh over the Spirit, I am saying “No” to Jesus and “Yes” to Barabbas.  Each time I choose stubbornness over submission to Christ, I am saying, “Give me Barabbas.”

Satan whispers in my ears, as the chief priests persuaded the people to ask for Barabbas and reject Christ.  I must pray, “Oh Lord, forgive my carnal choices when I prefer a rebel and a murderer over You.”

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2 Replies to “The People’s Choice”

  1. Much needed toe bruising occurred… thank you, Pastor. Miss your preaching like you wouldn’t believe. I guess I got spoiled by BBC.

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