“The Treasures of the Snow”

“The Treasures of the Snow”

Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? — Job 38:22blue snowflake

As I look out my home office window this morning, it is snowing.  Already there is about six inches on the ground.  While I am not a big fan of the snow, but I must admit there is a certain beauty about the way snow covers the ground and trees. Our text in Job 38:22 speaks of “the treasures of the snow.” It seems snow isn’t all that bad if it contains “treasures.” I thought of some “treasures of the snow”

  1. Snow comes from God (Job 37:6).
  2. Every snow flake is unique. No two are the same. Just like us! God made us each different.
  3. There is power in numbers. One snow-flake may go unnoticed, but when they come in bunches they get everyone’s attention.
  4. Snow speaks of purity (Rev. 1:14). Jesus is pictured as being white as snow.
  5. Snow is a covering. It covers ugly sights (junk cars; trash piles). God likens the forgiveness of sins to the whiteness of snow. “… though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…” (Isa. 1:18). David prayed, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Ps. 51:7).

Snow makes every white.  It’s a bit like the New Year—It’s time for a fresh start—A clean slate. Now… Go have some fun in the snow.

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One Reply to ““The Treasures of the Snow””

  1. We are having a year of basically “no” snow… Strange for us as we usually have 2 ft or more and extreme cold this time of year… It has been in the 20’s and usually is in the – 20’s.. I love to watch it snow and the white in the trees and ground and covering all the yuk of man that lies out there. I see it as a blanket of purity from our LORD… and it glistens as jewels when the sun shines on it……… Now that one would preach!!!! Sorry you guys are slipping and sliding, I remember a few of those times when I lived there…

    Have a great day

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