The Unexpected Cross

The Unexpected Cross

“They compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.” — Mark 15:21

In yesterday’s devotion we learned when we walk in the pathway of duty, God will bless us in unexpected ways. Today we will see the flip side… We may be called upon to bear an unexpected cross.

Our text verse tells us about Simon of Cyrene who was visiting Jerusalem on the day of Christ’s crucifixion. Out of the blue, he was forced to bare Christ’s cross to Mt. Calvary. When he awoke that fateful morning, he had no idea that would happen. He bore an “unexpected cross.”

One thing we can expect in this life is the unexpected (Prov. 27:1; Eccl. 8:17). Life is full of the unexpected crosses we must carry. A doctor tells a parent their child has leukemia… A spouse announces they want a divorce… A family member is killed in a car accident… Someone goes to work only to find out he’s been laid off. All of these things are unexpected.

How we deal with the unexpected becomes the issue, because the next day always comes — no matter what. So, as we go forward, let’s remember: (1) Every day is a gift. Please do not take that for granted. (2) Do not let the sun set on anger or contention. Keep a very short record of offenses. (3) Walk close to your Lord. Do not depend on your own skills or position. (4) Give thanks in all things. God knows what He is doing. (5) Don’t get bitter. Live each day with joy. (6) Be there for those who are forced to bare an unexpected cross. (7) And remember — no matter what — God loves you as one loves an only child.

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