The Voice Of Your Absence

The Voice Of Your Absence

…thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.” ―1 Samuel 20:18

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress last week. He is only foreign leader to ever speak before a joint session of Congress besides Winston Churchill.  So this was a monumental event that doesn’t happen very often.

What I find interesting was the absence of President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry considering the historical nature of the event.  Although they excused their absence because of “other commitments” their absence spoke loud and clear—Their absence plainly said, “Whatever Netanyahu has to say is not important!” (Huh? Iran’s nuclear ambitions is not important?).  What other “commitment” was so important that it could not be rescheduled so that these democratic leaders could (and should) attend. After all, Israel is one of America’s closest allies.

As I thought about this, I considered what a Christian’s absence from church says about their priorities.  I know there are some legitimate reasons for occasionally missing a church service (employment, illness, out-of-town). But most excuses are pretty lame.  Your absence says things like, “I don’t need the preaching/teaching of God’s Word.”  Or, “Corporate worship is not as important as other things I want to do” (like sleeping in… going to a sporting event… watching TV… visiting with friends… etc.)

Don’t be deceived.  Your absence is noticed by fellow church members and most of all by the Lord.

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