Thoughts About Grandparents

Thoughts About Grandparents

Blessing of Grandparents

Children’s children are the crown of old men. — Proverbs 17:6

One of the blessings I enjoyed in my childhood was spending time with my grandparents (on my Dad’s side of the family).  I only met my grandmother on my Mom’s side of the family one time, since she lived in England.  She came to America one summer for a visit when I was about 12 years old.

I spent a lot of time at my grandparents cottage on Wolf Lake in Michigan in the summer.  I have some wonderful memories of those happy times.  Later when my Grandpa died, I went to spend about six months with my Grandma in Tampa, Florida after I graduated from High School.  I helped take care of her and do some of work around her house.  Again, those months with my Grandmother were very special.

Today I get to relive those times in a reverse role… Now I’m the grandparent and my grandkids come to visit at our house.  I hope they are forming some happy memories they can reflect on after Barb and I are gone. Most of all I hope I can impart some wisdom to them that will help make them successful in life.

It saddens me sometimes when I think that my four daughters never got to met their grandparents on my side of the family.  My Mom and Dad both died when I was a teenager (1962-63) and their death left a big gap in my daughters childhood.  All they have are some old photographs and a few 8mm home movies of their Grandpa and Grandma Hughes.

If you still have your grandparents, enjoy them while you can.  Spend time with them.  Learn from them. Yeah, they may old and a bit slow, but they have have a truck load of wisdom and some great stories to tell about life.

Timothy’s grandmother Lois played a huge part in his knowledge of the Scriptures (2 Tim. 1:5). I pray Barb and I can do same for our grandkids while we’re still around.

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