Turning Heartaches To Hallelujahs!

Turning Heartaches To Hallelujahs!

“All things work together for good to them that love God…” — Romans 8:28

As a teenager, John had a beautiful singing voice. So beautiful he was in great demand as a vocalist in churches and local radio programs. His greatest aspiration was to be used of God as a singer.

One summer he found a job at a factory. The machinery in this factory was very noisy. John could hardly hear himself think over the loud machines. To overcome the noise of the machines, he would sing at the top of his lungs, making up melodies as if he were on stage.

Due to his inexperience in using his voice, he soon strained and abused his voice to the point his vocal cords were permanently ruined. Doctors and voice therapists could do nothing to repair the damage done to his voice. He would never be able to sing again.

For months he was emotionally depressed. John later wrote in his book The Miracle Goes On, “With my voice damaged, I turned more and more to writing and that talent was allowed to emerge and develop.” He went on to pen such well known songs and hymns as “It Took A Miracle,” “Heaven Came Down And Glory Filled My Soul,” “Isn’t the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful,” “Surely Goodness and Mercy,” and choir cantatas like “No Greater Love,” and “Behold Your King.”

I’m talking about one of my favorite song writers: John W. Peterson. He lost his ability to bless people with his singing, but he’s been a far greater blessing by putting a song in the mouths of millions of others, and leaving a legacy of music that will glorify God for generations to come.

John wrote, “What at first seemed a tragedy was used for good.”

Have faith that God will turn your trials into a triumphs.

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One Reply to “Turning Heartaches To Hallelujahs!”

  1. I am a Voice Major and have never heard that story. I have been blessed by John’s song. Thanks for sharing:)

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