Two Fires

Two Fires

And when they had kindled a fire… Peter sat down among them. —Luke 22:55

As soon as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there.
—John 21:9

Peter warmed himself at the enemy’s fire and denied the Lord. The devil always has a convenient fire for saints who are about to slip. Taking it easy is often the prelude to backsliding. Comfort precedes collapse.

Days later, Peter warmed himself at another fire—the coals Jesus had kindled on the beach. There he met the question, “Lovest thou me?” and received the commission, “Feed my sheep.”

Many Christians are living between Satan’s Fire and the Savior’s Fire. If you have fallen because you warmed yourself when you should have warned yourself, the Lord seeks an interview. Peter, the backslider, was marked special: “Go tell his disciples and Peter (Mk. 16:7). He does not want to fire you out but to fire you up!

If you have fallen at Satan’s Fire, you may be forgiven at the Savior’s Fire. Do not live between fires.

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