Two Men Named Lazarus

Two Men Named Lazarus

Send Lazarus… —Luke 16:24-28

Lazarus, come forth. —John 11:43

There are two men in the Bible named Lazarus.  One was a beggar who camped out at a rich man’s gate. He died and went to paradise.  The rich man died also and went to hell.  In hell the rich man begged that Lazarus would come back from the dead and witness to his five brothers. He was convinced if one went unto them from the dead they would repent.  Abraham told the rich man his brothers still would not believe even if Lazarus came back from the dead.

Jesus confirmed what Abraham said in another man named Lazarus.  This Lazarus also died and was buried (John 11).  Jesus recalled him back from Paradise to be a witness.  But, how was this Lazarus received who came back from the dead?  “The chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to death” (John 12:10).

If people will not believe the Scriptures they won’t believe regardless of someone raising from the dead.  Jesus rose from the dead, yet people still do not believe on Him.

The most power tool we have in witnessing is not apologetic arguments. It is the Word of God as it is preached in the fullness of the Holy Ghost (Heb. 4:12).  Preach the Word!

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