Unholy Smoke

Unholy Smoke

 “Out of his mouth go burning lamps… out of his nostrils goeth smoke” (Job 41:19-20).

Smoking tobacco was unknown outside of America before the Europeans came to the “new world.” It was introduced to “the white man” by Eastern Native American Indians in the 17th century. According to Tobacco: A Study of Its Consumption in the United States, by Jack Jacob Gottsegen (page 107), tobacco was originally smoked in pipe ceremonies to seal a treaty. The Native Americans considered tobacco a gift from the Creator, and tobacco smoke as a means of carrying one’s prayers to the spirits. (This false idea may have come from a misinterpretation of Revelation 8:4, which has nothing to do with smoking tobacco.)

The settlers of America and Sir Walter Raleigh sent tobacco seeds back to Europe, and the rest is history! Selling and smoking tobacco has been a profitable enterprise ever since.

So, the next time you “light up,” remember you are puffing on stuff that is “rooted” in a false religion and defiles your body which is “the temple of the Holy Ghost” (1 Cor. 3:17).

Tobacco is a filthy weed,

From the devil it doth proceed.

It stains your fingers and your clothes;

It makes a chimney of your nose!

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