Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. —Galatians 6:1

Recently Barb and I were traveling in California in our Airstream travel trailer.  We are “newbies” when it comes to pulling a travel trailer.  After spending a restful night at Vernalis, CA, we pulled onto south I-5 heading to Lancaster, CA.  About 10 miles down the road a guy pulls up next to me and honks his horn.  I looked over at him to see what he was honking about.  He held up a piece of paper with something written on it.   I couldn’t read it, but I thought I’d better pull over to see what was wrong.  Sure enough, I forgot to put up the steps to the door of our trailer. They were still hanging out.  If they hit something, it would have caused a lot of damage
and maybe hurt someone.  After retracting the steps back under the trailer, I thanked the Lord for that man calling the problem to my attention.


As I thought about this, I considered how some Christians are oblivious    to potential problems in their life. They don’t see them. But, thank God for those spiritual Christians who bring these “faults” to our attention so we can correct them before they cause some damage.

I think of Abagail who intercepted David who was on his way to murder her husband, Nabal (1 Samuel 25).  David was so incensed by the way Nabel treated his men, David’s anger blinded his eye from the sin he was about to commit. Abagail advised David about his dangerous intentions and saved him from damaging conduct.

So, the next time someone admonishes you about a potential problem in your life, stop and make the necessary correction and thank God for  someone who “has your back!”

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