Vacation In Rome

Vacation In Rome

Vacation in Rome

That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed—Romans 15:32

The Apostle Paul worked hard in taking the Gospel all over Asia minor. He told the Romans, From Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ” (Rom. 15:19).  If you look at a map, that area covers over 1,400 miles. Paul traversed this territory without the aid of a car, train, or plane.  It was hard work. He had been on the road a long time and desired to come to Rome (Rom. 15:23-24). For what purpose did he long to come to Rome? He says in today’s text that he might be refreshed.”  In other words, he was looking forward to a vacation.

There is nothing wrong with taking a break from the work of the ministry to relax and be refreshed on a vacation.  Jesus approved of it.  He told His disciples, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat (Mk. 6:31). As someone said, “You need to come apart, lest you fall apart!”

So, with that in mind, my wife and I are going on vacation to a mountain cabin in Kila, Montana for the next 10 days. There will be no daily devotions or “Thot for the Day” until we return after August 30.

Pray for us as we “kick-back” and enjoy the refreshing mountain air.

One Reply to “Vacation In Rome”

  1. Dear Pastor Al and Barb,

    We are praying that you both have a very relaxing vacation at the cabin. It looks very peaceful in the picture. Everyone needs to get their batteries recharged periodically. You can’t keep on giving and giving, without filling up occasionally.

    Don and I will be in Packwood Wa. the first Sunday in September, but we will return that week. We may need to push our life group meeting to that Wednesday, but will speak to the Jamersons and the rest of our members next Monday.

    Enjoy the peace and quiet for your 10 days. God bless you both. Alice and Don Hill

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