Vain Religion

Vain Religion

“…they followed vanity, and became vain” —2 Kings 17:15

Vanity is emptiness / nothingness. They followed nothingness and became nothing. They followed emptiness and became empty. They followed a delusion and became deluded.

I really dislike/hate those electric hand dryers in public washrooms. Evidently I’m not the only one. Someone added an additional step to the instructions on the front of one hand dryer: (1) Shake excess water from hands. (2) Push button. (3) Brihand dryer 2skly rub wet hands together under the flow of air. Then the disgruntled user scratched these words: (4) “Then wipe your hands on your shirt.” Amen!

In a restroom on the campus of Auburn University in Alabama someone added another amusing message to one of the hand-dryers on the wall: “Push this button and hear a message from our president.” Nothing but hot air!

That sums up the religion of Israel—nothing but hot air. And the tragedy is, that describes the religion of most Americans today. They have a form of godliness but are devoid of power (2 Tim. 3:5).  When you follow an empty religion you become spiritually empty yourself.

Beware of what or who you are following, lest you come up empty!

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