Walking By Faith

Walking By Faith

Walking By Faith

Have faith in God. — Mark 11:22

Faith is as much at home with the impossible as it is with the possible, for faith’s reliance is upon God who knows no limitations. Real faith involves not an examination of itself, but always its occupation upon God. When faith’s eye is looking to God, and not placed on itself, it makes the impossible, possible. But every true act of faith is followed by activity (see Hebrews 11). As one has said, “A faith that does not walk may soon become too weak to stand.”

Faith can be increased as we exercise it.  The reason why our faith does not grow is because there is always a calculated risk connected to it. This makes us hesitant to put feet to our faith. But once we step out of the boat, our initial act becomes a habit; one step turns into a walk.

Remember, we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7).

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