Weather Conditions

Weather Conditions

“The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold…” — Prov. 20:4

Several years ago when Barb and I were taking a flight back East, we were delayed on the runway for what seemed to be a long time. The pilot came on the intercom and said, “If you look outside the window to the left of the plane you’ll see thunderstorms. If you look out the right side, you’ll see the same thing. So, we are going to wait until most of the storms have passed by.” He didn’t say we would wait until ALL the storms were passed.

Sometimes we wait until all conditions are perfect before we do anything. If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll sit on the runway the rest of your life. Just spread your wings and take off, trusting God to get you to where He wants you to be. No one accomplished anything in life by waiting until all conditions were absolutely perfect.

After I moved to the Great Pacific Northwest, which is often noted for its rain, a friend back East asked me, “How do you get anything done with all the rain you get out there?” I simply told him, “You put on your rain coat and work in the rain!”

Now, get behind your plow and start plowing, no matter what the weather is like!

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