What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? —Romans 3:1

In Romans 2, Paul has shown that being a Jew or being circumcised does nothing to make a person acceptable to God. Paul anticipates the Jew’s question, “If being a circumcised Jew doesn’t make me acceptable to God, what advantage is there in being a Jew?” Paul goes on to answer, “Much every way…”

I think Christians today may wonder the same thing. “If being a member of my church doesn’t make me acceptable to God, what advantage is there in going to church?” I answer, “Much every way.” Here are a just a few advantages in going to church: Corporate worship; congregational singing; employing your spiritual gift to the edification of the body of Christ; exposure to pastoral ministry and leadership. None of these things are available outside of faithful church attendance.

However, I believe one of the greatest advantages of church attendance is FELLOWSHIP. You may study your Bible at home… Get preaching at home on CD’s, radio, television, or the internet… Pray at home… Mail in your offering from home, etc. But there is one thing you don’t get at home that you get at churchFellowship with some of the best people in the world. When you don’t come to church, you miss being influenced and encouraged by the best people in the world.

NOTE: Fellowship is NOT sitting in a pew or in a S.S. classroom listening to a sermon or lesson. Fellowship is interacting with fellow believers in ministry (Acts 2:42; 2 Cor. 8:4; Phil. 1:5). You don’t get that merely by sitting in a pew. Serving in the choir is fellowship… Working together with others on a G.R.O.W. team is fellowship… Working together with other Christians on a church project or in a ministry is fellowship (nursery, Jr. Church, Patch Club, FNL, VBS, church cleaning, etc.) Fellowship is enjoying each other’s presence at a church pot-luck, or going on a recreational activity.

Now I ask you… How much “real” fellowship do you enjoy each week (not merely sitting in a pew)?

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