What Are You Arguing About?

What Are You Arguing About?

Mark 9:30-37 (text v. 33)

Here is a question Jesus asks His disciples about arguing amongst themselves— “What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way?” The word “disputed” means arguing and bickering. They were definitely having an intense debate among themselves.

Debates are in the news today. If you saw the GOP debate last Thursday night, it got very heated (and a little embarrassing) at times. They are debating who is the greatest candidate for President. I think the disciples fell into this same kind of debate—Who is the greatest in the kingdom.

I.  The AWARENESS of the dispute. (v. 33).

Jesus’ question did two things:

It let the disciples know that Jesus was watching them.

It let the disciples know that Jesus was holding them accountable.

A. Jesus didn’t ask this question because He didn’t know. He knows the hearts of men (Mt. 9:4). He asked to force the disciple to face the silliness of their squabbling. Jesus hears everything you say. One day we will stand before His judgment seat and give account of every idle word we’ve said (Mt. 12:36).

B. How much we would argue about if we realized Jesus was listening? Would we argue over someone sitting in the seat that we usually sit in? Who is more spiritual? Whose church is bigger? Would we argue about who is going to sing the solo? Would we argue about dress codes… worship formats… and music styles?

II.  The AMBITION of the dispute. (v. 34).

One of the main themes of Christ’s teaching was the Kingdom He would establish on earth. The disciples followed Christ, believing they would reign with Him.

While traveling privately with His disciple through Galilee, Jesus taught about His upcoming crucifixion and resurrection (v. 31).  It went right over their heads (v. 32)! They were afraid to ask —“Whoa Jesus! Hold the phone! What’s this talk of being killed? What about the kingdom?” No, they just keep on arguing who is going to the greatest.


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