What’s On Your List Today?

What’s On Your List Today?

Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer…And a certain man lame from this mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple. —Acts 3:1-2

Proverbs 27:1 says, “Thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” That was certainly true for Peter, John, and the lame man of today’s text. Going to the temple for prayer was one item on Peter and John’s “To Do” list. However, the healing of the lame man was not on anyone’s list that morning. Peter and John never dreamed what a tempestuous day it would be. The lame man did not know it would be his red-letter day. The people of Jerusalem never imagined the city would be in an upheaval before sundown. Peter and John had gone up to pray, but an unscheduled event became the main event. The healing of the lame man was a side line that morning but soon took the main line.

When we are on the path of duty we are on the highway to blessing. Anything may happen. And the blessing by the way may outshine what we set out to obtain. Our Father is the God of the Unexpected and His schedule has items not listed on ours.

What’s on your list today? At the top of your list should be “walk in God’s will” and the rest of the list will take care of itself! Be prepared for God to interrupt your schedule for an unscheduled blessing!

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