What’s This World Coming To?

What’s This World Coming To?

“…Behold, thy King cometh…” —John 12:15

The other day I heard someone ask, “What is the world coming to?” For the average person who doesn’t read the Bible, the question leaves them perplexed and pessimistic. They have no solution for what the world is coming to.

For the Bible believer, the question is not what the world is coming to, but rather the One who is coming to the world! He is the answer for what is going on in this world. This world is coming to a confrontation with “the King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Rev. 19:11-16).

“Amen, Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).

One Reply to “What’s This World Coming To?”

  1. Al, enjoy your postings on PastorMail. When someone aks me “what are the benefits of serving The LORD”, one of the answers I give is “they are just out of this world”! To those of us who believe in the catching away of the church to meet The LORD in the air and come back with HIM to set up HIS Kingdom for 1000 years, then the benefits are literally “out of this world”.

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