When You Don’t Know What To Do

When You Don’t Know What To Do

Neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee. —2 Chronicles 20:12

Jehoshaphat was surrounded by the enemies of Moabites, Ammonites, and others. It was a desperate situation. He turns to God and confesses, “We have no might against this great company that cometh against us.”

Do you ever find yourself in a similar predicament? It looks like you’re in a no win situation… a “Catch-22.” You see no way out of ever mounting problems? You feel trapped. You just don’t know what to do.Have you been there? Maybe you are there right now?

When you are surrounded and no place to turn, do what Jehoshaphat did. LOOK UP— “Our eyes are upon thee.” God knows the way out of the wilderness of perplexities. God can handle any “Moabite” that threatens your life. Cast all of your cares upon Him. You can lie down at night and sleep. Rest your weary head on the soft pillow of Romans 8:28.

“Looking unto Jesus.” We know not what to do, but God knows. No sleeping pill can rest a man like knowing that!

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