When You Don’t Know What to Do

When You Don’t Know What to Do

Neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.  ―2 Chronicles 20:12
Jehoshaphat is faced by a powerful combination of Moabites, Ammonites, and others. In his desperation he turns to God: “O God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us.”
Are we not often in this plight? Do these lines fall under the eye of someone sore beset by an alliance of evil confederates, whether in the flesh or of the unseen world of principalities and powers? You do not know what to do. We never do. We have no might against the Moabites.
But we can take Jehoshaphat’s way out: “Our eyes are upon thee.” We may not know what to do, but God always knows what He is going to do. He is never caught off guard or taken by surprise. Commit your case to Him. You can lie down at night and sleep, although tomorrow the Moabites will arrive. Many a saint has pillowed his head on a promise when all hope seemed gone. And when the dreaded day arrived God had handled the Moabites in His own way.
“Our eyes are upon thee.” “Looking unto Jesus.” We know not what to do, but He knows.  No sleeping pill can rest a man like knowing that!

4 Replies to “When You Don’t Know What to Do”

  1. I am blessed for a Preacher & his wife, whom speak God’s words of Life, Love & Truth into our lives. I also love how the Holy Spirit speaks the message into Preachers heart, as it has been as of late, it coresponds with the Baptist Bread Daily Reading. Just confirms that as we yeild ourselves to the Holy Spirit, he will use us to the perfecting of God’s WILL. Thank you Preacher & Mrs. Hughes.

  2. You are such a blessing to all of us here at BBC Kristine, I thank my GOOD LORD that he had brought you into my life, that you count me as a Sis in Christ, that you trust me enough to tell me what you need pray for. God bless you Kristine as Jesus works his way in your life.

  3. I’m so grateful for the WORD and His promises. I am blessed by these devotionals. They are always what I need to hear, when I need to hear them the most!Thank you!

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