Where Is Everyone?

Where Is Everyone?

“Why is the house of God forsaken?” —Nehemiah 13:11

Nehemiah’s question asked approximately 2,500 year ago, is as timely as today’s newspapers. The October 4, 2009 issue of Parade Magazine reported the results of a recent survey done by Barna Research. The survey polled 1,051 adults and asked questions related to one’s spirituality. Here are several findings:

  • 27% said they do not practice any kind of religion.
  • 50% said they rarely or never attend religious services.
  • 20% said they attend religious services anywhere from once a month to a few times a year.
  • 30% said they attend religious services once or more in a given week.

The truth of the matter is only about one-half of those who claim to attend weekly actually do. Just walk out into a neighborhood on a Sunday morning and take a look at the houses on any given block. Most are not in church.

While I find the Parade Magazine article troubling, it was not surprising. This survey merely points out what we already know… Despite all our efforts, fewer and fewer people are attending church these days. I see it happening right before my eyes at Bible Baptist Church.

The question now is: How do we stem the tide? I’m open to your ideas!


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