Which of You Shall Have A Friend

Which of You Shall Have A Friend

Luke 11:1-8 [Question of True Friendship]

This is a parable Jesus taught about prayer in answer to the disciples request in verse 1. We need to be taught to pray, because prayer isn’t natural. It is a supernatural act.

The disciples are to be commended for wanting to learn more about prayer. Not many are interested in learning how to pray. Most people want to know how to make more money… how to be a success in their business… or how to make home improvements. But how many are really interested in learning how to improve their prayer life? Unfortunately, improving the spiritual areas in our lives is a low priority with most people.

The parable involves three “friends:”
1. The troubled friend who lacks bread.
2. The tired friend who is asked for bread.
3. The traveling friend who is hungry for bread.

I.  The PRECIOUSNESS of a friend.

A.  The RARITY of such a friend. A true friend is a rare thing. If you have more than one true friend in your life time, you are truly blessed.

  1. I know I have at least one true friend on earth—my wife. We share all the best that can come of a true friendship. Barb’s companionship during the past 48 years has helped to make me a better person.
  2. As Proverbs 27:17 says,“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” That is the kind of friend you need—One who will improve, or sharpen, your life, not one who will dull your potential or make you worse.

B.   The RANKING of friendships.

1. I am blessed with other friends also. Friendships occur on different levels. Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man that hath friends [plural] must show himself friendly: and there is a friend [singular] that sticketh closer than a brother.” You may have several friends, but do you have that one friend that will stick close no matter what time of day it is or what he is asking for?

2.  This is the kind of friend Jesus is referring to in this parable— Jesus asks if we have such a friend to whom we may go at an inconvenient time and ask for something as insignificant as some bread? While it is true that bread is essential to life (Mt. 4:4), it isn’t a matter of life or death at midnight. It could be supplied to the traveling friend in the morning.

II. The PROVING of a friend.

A. The TEST of a friend. A useless aggravation will TEST a friendship and push it to its limits.

1. The parable illustrates the value of a true friendship has no limitations. A true friendship is two friends who value the same things and considers them equally important—Providing some bread at an awkward hour of the night.


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