Who Did Sin?

Who Did Sin?

“Who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?” — John 9:2

When Jesus passed by a man who was born blind, His disciples wanted to know who was to blame for this man’s blindness. They were like many of us. “Who sinned? What difference does it make? The man is blind. Knowing who is at fault will do nothing to help this man in his predicament.

You and I don’t have to know the reason behind every troublesome thing that happens. We don’t have to know why so-and-so got cancer… why someone got fired from their job… why a couple got divorced… why some church member quit the church. That kind of knowledge will only lead to finger-pointing and playing the “blame game.”

The disciple’s question reveals an inner motive to evade any personal responsibility by looking for an excuse or someone to blame for the problem. They didn’t need an excuse… They needed a deliverance.

We don’t need to be finding fault, or making excuses. We need to be finding a solution to the problem. I’m not concerned with who is to blame. I’m concerned with remedying the situation.

What if Jesus answered the disciple’s question by saying, “His mother sinned.” What do you suppose their reaction might have been? How would that have helped the blind man?

I love Jesus’ answer to the question, “Who did sin, this man or his parents?” Jesus answered, “NEITHER…” (John 9:3). While the disciples were poised to waylay someone, but Jesus wasn’t going to play the blame game with them.

So, next time you see a problem or unfavorable situation, don’t look for an excuse or a culprit you can blame. Rather ask, “What can I do to help remedy this situation?”

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