Who Touched Me?

Who Touched Me?

Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48

There is something special in the touch of Jesus—He touched the lame and they walked; the blind could see; lepers were cleansed; little children were blessed; and the dead were raised.

It’s the touch of God that makes the difference (in singing; teaching; preaching).

But, our text is not about Jesus touching the woman, but the woman touching Jesus that brings healing. Instead of singing “He Touched Me,” she would sing, “I Touched Him.”

To understand the meaning of the question Jesus asks, we must see the background of the question.

I. The WOMAN who came.

What brought her to Christ? All who come to Christ basically come because of two things:

A. She was driven by her CONDITION. She was sick—“They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are SICK” (Luke 5:31). SHE HAD A NEED.

You will never come to Jesus until you realize you NEED HIM. Before Jesus can help you, you must recognize your need.

You know there is a void in your life only Jesus can satisfy.

B. She was drawn by her CONVICTION. She had faith if she could touch Christ’s garment she would be healed (see Heb. 11:6).

How did she come to this conviction? (cf.Mk.5:27—“When she heard of Jesus…”). It didn’t say, she heard Jesus, but “she heard OF Jesus.” “Faith cometh by hearing…” Somebody TOLD her about Jesus! Somebody CARED enough.

They must have told her in a very CONVINCING way. This woman had probably “heard it all” and “tried it all.”

If someone would have just dropped by and causally said, “There is a man passing by, and I think if you can touch Him you’ll be healed,” she probably would not have believed it.

3. We don’t know who told her, but it could have been a friend who was healed in Luke 6:19 (A lame person; blind person).

 “Look at me—I touched Jesus and He healed me! And if you’ll just touch Him, He’ll heal you also! What He’s done for me, He can do for you!”

II. The TOUCH that made a change.

A. The PROBLEMS in touching Jesus. She was convinced Jesus could heal her, but coming to Him would not be easy.

1. A PHYSICAL problem. She did not have a disease of the blood, but an ISSUE (flowing; running; seepage) of blood. She was losing blood. She had been hemorrhaging for 12 years. She was dying.

You can live without a lot of things—But blood isn’t one of them (Lev. 17:11).

Can you imagine what she looked like after 12 years of hemorrhaging? PALE, WEAK.


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