Why Callest Thou Me Good?

Why Callest Thou Me Good?

Partial Outline –  FULL PDF HERE

Mark 10:17-22

A certain rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked, “Good Master, what shall I do, that I may inherit eternal life?” To his credit, he realized three things every person needs to face sooner or later.

1. Death is not the end. After death is the judgment.

2. Eternal life is something you have or don’t have (1 John 5:12).

3. Eternal life must be acquired before you die.

Jesus responded to his question with another question, “Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is God.” Strange response. Let’s consider Christ’s question to this young man.

I. The INQUIRY of the young man.

A.  The MOTIVATION of the inquiry. What motivated him to ask?

  1. WHY did he address Jesus as “good?” Was he just repeating what others were saying about Jesus? Was he just showing respect? Was he seeking to gain Jesus favor with flattery?
  2. Did he really believe Jesus is “good?” Did he realize what that involved?

B. The MEANING of Jesus’ response.

  1. John 2:25 says Jesus knew what is in man. He knows men’s thoughts before they speak (Ps. 94:11; Isa. 55:8). Therefore, Jesus does not answer men according to their words, but according to their thoughts.Jesus knew this young man thought he was self-righteous, as evidenced by what follows in verses 19-20.
  2. By asking, ”What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” he was unconsciously stating his misconception—Eternal life is obtained by doing something good (Mt. 19:16).
  3.  By replying to his question, “Why callest thou me good?” Jesus sought to convict this young man of the error in his thinking that a man could be good enough to merit eternal life—And convict him of a sense of sinfulness and his self-righteousness.

II. The INTERPRETATION of Christ’s response.

A.  Jesus’ question could be interpreted three ways.

  1. Was Jesus implying He wasn’t good—“Why are you calling me good? I’m not good. Only God is good.”
  2. Or, was Jesus inferring He was not God, “Why do you call me good, when only God is good, and I’m not God?”
  3. Neither! Jesus is making the point—If only God is good,and you are calling Me good, you must believe I am God.B.  The truth stated according to deductive reasoning:

Only God is good (Amen?)

Jesus is good (Amen?)

Therefore Jesus is God (Amen!)

Partial outline–  FULL PDF HERE

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