Why Suffering in Hell is Eternal

Why Suffering in Hell is Eternal

And these shall go away into EVERLASTING punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. —Matthew 25:46

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with EVERLASTING destruction from the presence of the Lord… —2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

…he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone… and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up FOR EVER and EVER… —Revelation 14:10-11

A person in hell is in a hopeless situation. If the punishment in hell was only a matter of time, a man would have hope of the time that his suffering would come to an end.  He could count down his time in hell as time expired. For example, if God said, “Your sin deserves 1,000 years in hell,” the man could say after the first year, “I only have 999 years left and this burning will end.” With each passing year he would have hope that someday it would all be over. But it isn’t going to be like that. There is no escape from hell (Luke 16:23-26).

One reason why some people have a difficult time accepting the reality of an eternal hell is the Bible is holy and God is holy.  But, we are not holy.  Therefore, when you read the Bible, you are reading about things of another “order” and on a higher plane than we are on. We are finite and not on the same level as God.

Punishment in hell is eternal because our sins are against a holy and eternal God.  If our sin was merely against a finite sinful human being, the sentencing of our punishment would be a matter of time (10 yrs. … 25 yrs… etc.).  But because man’s sin is against a holy, eternal God, Who lives forever, man’s punishment must also be forever.  In other words, a sinner will quit paying for his sins when God expires. But God will never expire. Therefore, a sinner must pay… and pay… and pay… and continue to pay forever. His payment cannot end until God ends. But God will never end, therefore man’s suffering will never end.  That is why a man in hell has no hope.

The only hope a man has is before he dies.  Jesus, God in the flesh, paid the eternal debt of my sin on the cross. An eternal debt requires and eternal sacrifice.  Because Jesus is God, He could suffer an eternal death in my place.  Therefore, if a man will accept Christ’s payment for his sin, he will not have to pay for his sins himself. But, if he does not receive Christ’s payment for his sin, he will pay for his own sins forever in hell.

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