…Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright — Heb. 12:16

We’ve all seen people on the side of the road holding cardboard signs asking for a hand-out. One popular sign reads “Will Work For Food.” I know for a fact that more often than not, the person doesn’t really mean it… he/she is trying to appear willing to work, but when asked to do some real manual labor, like digging fence posts, they often find excuses why they cannot do that kind of work.

I was thinking about that the other day and came up with some other signs that might be more honest. How about these signs (and you fill in the blanks):

    “Will forfeit my integrity for _______”
    “Will destroy my family for _______”
    “Will ruin my health for ________”
    “Will pollute my morals for _______”
    “Will forsake my church for _______”
    “Will compromise my faith for ______”
    “Will sell my soul for ________”

You name it… The devil will gladly give you want ever you want for these things (see Mt. 4:9). These are things that you cannot put a dollar value on, yet people sell out to Satan everyday for far less than money!

Don’t be one of them!

Pastor Al Hughes

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