Nehemiah 3:1-4 etc.

The book of Nehemiah is about his overseeing the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem. It is a book about WORK. Some form of the words work, labour, build, or repair occur 80 times in its short 13 chapters.

Nehemiah’s success depended on how well he organized and motivated workers to join him in building the wall. Obviously he could NOT build the wall single-handedly.

Over 50 names and families are mentioned in Nehemiah chapter three. It is more than a list of names: It is a register of workers.

“Workanomics” is the delegation of the work and management of the work-force. Five elements of workanomics:

I. COMMITMENT. Nothing gets done by uncommitted people.

A. VISION for the work (2:17-18).

Nehemiah communicated the importance of the wall.

Non-denominational organizations advocate tearing down denominational walls. One contemporary Christian song says, “Let the Walls Come Down” referring to the walls of doctrine. Doctrine defines who we are.

The world says build bridges. “Let’s bridge the generation gap…” One song refers to “a bridge over troubled waters.”

God emphasizes WALLS. There is not one reference to “bridges” in the Bible. On the other hand, there are over 250 references to “walls” in the Bible. Satan opposes wall builders (cf. 2:19; 4:1).

Management is divided into two categories: (1) Management of THINGS; (2) Management of PEOPLE. Of the two, people are more difficult to manage and most important, because from people come IDEAS. The most valuable resource of any organization is it’s PEOPLE!

1. Walls speak of SECURITY. Walls protect us. Would you live in a house without walls? Would you put your money in a bank that had no walls?

2. Walls speak of SEPARATION. Walls divide. A wall draws a line and makes a border. (1) Walls say to it’s occupants: “Stay inside” (safety zone); (2) Walls say to its enemies: “Stay out” (combat zone).

God wants His people to be separate (Luke 15:51-53; 2 Cor. 6:14-17). Doctrinal walls… Walls of moral purity…

3. Walls speak of STRENGTH. A city’s walls was a testimony of it’s strength. God told Jeremiah, “Behold, I have made thee this day a DEFENSED city, and an iron pillar, and brasen WALLS against the whole land…” (1:18). You will only be as strong a Christian as the walls you have established around your spiritual life.

B. VOLUNTEERING for the work. “They said, Let us rise up and build” (2:18). They saw the need… they took it to heart… and they committed themselves to the work. They were convinced it was a “good work” (2:18b). Good work of ministry (1 Tim. 3:1).

The Lord Jesus does not force His yoke upon us. He says, “Take my yoke upon you” (Mt. 11:29).

C. VENTURING to the work (4:6—“So built we the wall… for the people had a mind to work”). They got to it! They got busy.

Commitment always leads to commencement. A commitment that does not lead to commencement is worthless.


WALL TO WALL WORKERS (unbroken chain of workers). 38 individual workers are named; 42 different groups are identified.

A united effort. Every worker adjoined his work with his neighbor’s. These phrases repeated throughout the chapter: “And next unto him…” “Next unto them…” “After him…” “After them…”

Workers had to be organized (cf. Titus 1:5). Every worker knew what portion of the wall was his responsibility. This does not happen by chance—JOB DESCRIPTIONS.

We must see how each of our ministries adjoins with the whole.

A. DIVISION of labor. Simple & practical = productive.

PARTIAL SERMON:  See PDF for full sermon

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