X-RAY Vision

X-RAY Vision

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Romans 4:16-21 (text 17)

An X-ray gives us the ability to see things that we would not see otherwise—A broken bone, a cancer, a cavity in a tooth. X-rays see that which is not normally seen as though it is seen. ILLUS with X-ray of broken leg. God has “x-ray” vision—He sees things that be not as though they were.

God gave Abraham a promise he would be the father of more children than you could count. But the promise was not immediately fulfilled. Many years went by.

All Abraham saw was a 80-year-old man and his wife’s dead womb. He saw no evidence of the promise becoming a reality. But God saw something different (v. 17). God called “those things which be not as though they were.” Or, as Ecclesiastes 3:15 puts it, “that which is to be hath already been.” That is, as far as God is concerned, it was already a done deal.

God called Abraham “a father” years before he was a father (Gen. 14:16; 15:4-6). In God’s eyes, Abraham was already the father of many nations (Gen. 17:1, 5).

God sees things in our life that are not, but that could be. The Lord sees things that could be in our church—Things that may or may not come pass, depending on what you and I do.

An X-ray gives us the ability to see things that we would not see otherwise—A broken bone, a cancer, a cavity in a tooth. X-rays see that which is not normally seen as though it is seen. ILLUS with X-ray of broken leg. God has “x-ray” vision—He sees things that be not as though they were.

The Bible gives several examples of this truth. As we examine these examples we will see one “common denominator” that enabled people to see what God already saw.

I.  Exodus 14:10-15—

A. What did Israel see? Egyptian soldiers; approaching chariots; pounding hoofs of horses; whips; spears; swords; and returning to slavery. That’s what they see!

B. That’s NOT what God saw—God sees things different from we do! What did God see? God saw “those things which be not as though they were.” God saw a strong east wind blowing; the Red Sea parting; Israel crossing on dry land; the Egyptian army drown in the sea; and His people singing and dancing on the other side!

C. What made the difference? Verse 15—Israel had to obey God’s command to “GO FORWARD.” What if Israel never went forward? They would have never seen what God saw for them.

  1.  Before Israel was the Red Sea. How were they to “go forward?”  They had to move at God’s command BY FAITH. Hebrews 11:29—“By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land.”
  2. You and I will never see “those things which be not as though they were,” until we move forward at God’s Word by faith. As long as you remain seated on the posterior of your back end, you’ll never see what God sees for you.

II. Joshua 6:1-5—

A.  What did Israel saw? They saw a city shut up tight surrounded by an impregnable wall.

B.  What did God see? He saw the walls fallen down flat; His people utterly defeating the enemy, and Jericho burned with fire.

Partial outline: FULL PDF HERE

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