What I have written, I have written.”  —John 19:22

These are the words of Pilate to the chief priests who objected to the inscription he put on the cross of Christ.

What Pilate wrote, he wrote. How he lived, he lived, and it cannot be changed.

What Pilate said to the chief priests, we can say of ourselves—“What we have written, we have written.” Each new day is a blank page in our life.  We write our deeds, good and bad, upon these pages.

The Bible says our works are being written in a book in heaven (Rev. 20:12). One day those books will be opened.  Paul writes, “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad (2 Cor. 5:10).  Paul says in Colossians 3:25, “he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done.”

What we have said, we have said—What we have done, we have done.

A computer has an “undo” command.  But our lives have no “undo” command.  We can no more undo our deeds or unsay our words than you can unspread butter… unscramble eggs… unshoot a bullet… unspill a glass of milk.  No one can relive his life differently.

I believe we will all wish we could change somethings we did in life—That we were a little kinder… we witnessed more often… we were more faithful going to church… we served the Lord more than we did… we didn’t waste our money on things that did not matter… we read our Bible more and prayed more.

You might as well forget about what you did or said yesterday. They cannot be undone or rewritten.  The only thing you have any control over is today—Yesterday is a cancelled check… tomorrow is a promissory note… Today is the only cash you have, so spend it wisely. Redeem the time!

How does the book of your life read?  Are there pages in it you wish you didn’t write what you did?  It ought to be the desire of each one of us to make sure what we have written, will not be something we will regret or be ashamed of in eternity.

What you have written, you have written… What will you write today?

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