So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” —Romans 14:12

Too often we think it is our responsibility to change people or straighten them out.  You cannot change anyone. You can warn them. You can pray for them. You can help them. But you can’t change them.  You can only change yourself.

I read about a preacher who quit the ministry after more than 20 years of faithful, dedicated service and became a funeral director. When asked why he changed vocations, he said: “I spent 10 years trying to straighten out John and he’s still an alcoholic. Then I spent three and one-half years trying to straighten out Harold and Susan’s marriage problems and they ended up getting a divorce. Later I tried for two years to help Bob kick his drug habit and he is still an addict. Now, at the funeral home, when I straighten them out, they stay straight!”

When you stand before God, you will not give account for anyone except yourself. Make sure you are right with God.

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