Sin’s Consequences
2 Samuel 12:13-25
What is the greatest lie ever told? There have been some whoppers.
One little boy in Sunday School offered his definition of a lie: “A lie is an abomination unto the Lord that is very present help in time of need.”
Some famous lies:
- Evolution is a scientific fact.
- The check is in the mail.
- We are the government and we are here to help you.
- Pete Rose’s lie about never gambling on a baseball game.
- Lance Armstrong’s lie about never taking performance enhancing drugs.
- George H. W. Bush— “Read my lips: No new taxes.”
- Richard Nixon’s lie “I’m not a crook.” He lied about having no knowledge of the Watergate break-in or the cover-up.
- Bill Clinton’s lie, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Lying under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
- Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme: When Bernie Madoff admitted that his investment firm was “just one big lie,” it was an understatement. In 2008, he conned about $50 billion from investors who trusted him with their savings.
- The lie of Adolph Hitler that the Jews were the source of all the problems in the world.
However, there has never been a greater lie than the devil’s lie that you can sin and get away with it—That sin has no consequences.
Several years ago I broke my right leg in nine places in a motorcycle accident. The bones have healed, but I’m still living with the consequences every day. Likewise, when we sin, we will suffer consequences.