A Wise Choice

A Wise Choice

1 Kings 3

This chapter deals with Solomon’s acquisition of wisdom in answer to prayer. James 3:15-17 speaks of two kinds of wisdom: (1) earthly wisdom; and (2) “wisdom that is from above.” The wisdom Solomon received was “from above.”

  • David is dead, and Solomon, his son, has been established as King (1 Kings 2). Solomon was nothing like David, his father.
  • David was raised as a shepherd in the fields—Solomon was coddled as a prince in a palace.
  • David was a man’s man— Solomon was a ladies man—“mama’s boy.”
  • David lived a hard life—Solomon enjoyed a soft life.
  • David was a warrior—Solomon was a lover.
  • David fought battles—Solomon built buildings (3:1b).
  • David lived as soldier—Solomon lived in splendor (Luke 12:27).
  • David “served his own generation by the will of God” (Acts 13:36)— Solomon used his people to serve his extravagant lifestyle.
  • When David died, his people wept—When Solomon died the people begged his successor, Rehoboam, to lighten the yoke Solomon put on their necks.
  • David was a leader who trusted his God—Solomon was a politician who trusted his intellect and making marital alliances.
  1. Solomon’s ALLIANCE with Egypt (vs. 1-2).

After Solomon eliminates all the inside threats to his throne (1 Kings 2), he brings in an outsider into the kingdom that leads to his eventual undoing (cf. 11:1-2). Not too wise!

2.  Solomon’s AFFECTION for the Lord (vs. 3-4).

Solomon never had the deep spiritual capacity for God that his father David had. Solomon did, however, recognize his shortcomings. After he married Pharaoh’s daughter, he asked God for wisdom.

I.    God’s PROPOSITION to ask (v. 5).

God offers Solomon a blank check— “Ask what I shall give thee.” [What would you have asked for? Healing? Finances? A mate? Salvation of a loved one? The rapture?]1

A good incentive to pray—God invites us to ask and He will an- swer. “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jer. 33:3).

II. Solomon’s PRAYER for wisdom (vs. 6-10).

A. COMMENCES with praise (v.6).”


Partial sermon: see PDF for full sermon

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