Constraining Love of God

Constraining Love of God

2 Corinthians 5:14-15  [The Logic of God’s Love]

This is a message about motivation. Professional motivational speakers and authors are paid mega-bucks to motivate people. I believe the Bible is the best motivational book ever written.

The greatest thing you can do in life is live for Jesus Christ and serve Him. Paul mentions several things that should motivate us to serve Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:

1. The judgment seat of Christ (v. 10).
2. The terror of the Lord (v. 11).
3. “The love of Christ” (v. 14).
4. The fact we are “a new creature” in Christ (v. 17).
5. Our position as “ambassadors for Christ” (v. 20).

What moved Paul to suffer imprisonments… scourgings… stonings… shipwrecks… sleepless nights… and hunger for the cause of Christ? Was it his sheer determination… his unwavering dedication… or, the conviction of God’s calling?

Paul does not say that he is driven to serve the Lord because of…

  • the teachings of Christ.
  • the example of Christ.
  • the miracles of Christ.
  • the Lordship of Christ.

Paul’s supreme motive for serving Christ was—“The love of Christ constraineth us…” There is no greater motive for living for Jesus Christ than this!
The controlling theme of our life—“The love of Christ constraineth us”

I. The INDUCEMENT of Christ’s love (v. 14—“…the love of Christ constraineth us.”).

“Constrain” (Gk. sunecho) means:

The “love of Christ” is only found in three passages of Scripture (2 Cor. 5:14; Rom. 8:35; Eph. 3:19). Each time it refers to Christ’s love for us, not our love for Him.

1. To secure; to hold tightly.

2. To hold back; to restrain; to confine. (Solitary “confinement”)

3. To compel toward a particular course of action; to necessitate. Using this three-fold definition we see that…

A.  The love of Christ COUPLES us together.  Constrain—To hold tightly.

1. The love of Christ should bring UNITY amongst believers.
2. The love of Christ should cause us to love one another. If Jesus loves you, then I should love you!

B. The love of Christ COMPELS us to serve.

To compel; to force; to necessitate; to oblige.


PARTIAL Sermon: See PDF for full Sermon

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