First Followers of Jesus

First Followers of Jesus

John 1:35-51

Last week we walked with Jesus in the wilderness as He was tempted by the devil. Today we’ll walk with Jesus as He finds His first disciples: Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael, and probably John. (v. 35, 37).

Follow occurs five times (vs. 37, 38, 40, 43).

What lead these men to follow Jesus? Three things…

I.  An Encouraging INFLUENCE (vs. 35-37).

  1. The MINISTRY of John— He was Christ’s “forerunner” to prepare the way of the Lord. He prepared the way of the Lord by preaching “Repent… for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” and baptizing those who repented.
  2. The MENTORSHIP of John—The first two followers of Christ were disciples of John the Baptist (v. 35- Andrew and most likely John. John never makes a personal reference to himself by name in his Gospel. He writes his gospel as an eyewitness.). He already baptized them and they began to follow him.
  3. The MESSAGE of John (v.36). The purpose of John’s preaching was not to draw people to himself, but to point people to Jesus. “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). “It’s not about me.” As you witness to people, don’t focus on denominations or personalities. Your goal should be to nudge people to Jesus. Lift Him up.

John’s influence on Andrew and John was profound (v. 37 —“They heard him AND they followed Jesus”). This is my desire! When people hear me, it would lead them to follow Christ. Isn’t this what you desire? When someone hears your testimony of Jesus, does it cause them to want to follow Jesus? Do you have any influence on people for Jesus?

II. An extended INVITATION (vs. 38-46).

Did you come to Christ because of someone’s influence? Who?

A. The invitation from the SAVIOR (vs.38-39).


PARTIAL sermon:  See PDF for full sermon

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