Pray for America

Pray for America

Partial sermon: FULL PDF HERE

1 Timothy 2:1-6

What is America’s greatest threat? America’s greatest threat is not from ISIS, Iran, North Korea, or China.

What is America’s greatest problem? It is not bigger government, spineless politicians, atheism, terrorism, or rising debt.

I recently read an article by a well-known evangelist titled, “Who Is Our Country’s Greatest Enemy.” He asserted America’s greatest enemy are the liberal politicians. I believe he is wrong.

I believe America’s greatest problem lies at the doorstep of it’s churches. Most professing Christians are not obeying 1 Timothy 2:1-2 that commands us to pray for our nation’s leaders. But, instead of praying for them we find it easier to point the finger at liberal politicians as America’s greatest enemy.

My concern is that Christians are waiting for America to get right first and then things will get better! For example, if we could just elect enough godly people to government, get rid of abortion, end gay marriages, stop the drug traffic — then everything will be better!

Instead of the church waiting for America to get right, God is waiting on Christians within the church to get right!

I. Why Pray? Five reasons…

A.  Because it is a PRIORITY (1 Tim.2:1). It is important!

B.  Because it is COMMANDED (1 Tim. 2:1-2). Not optional!!!

If we do not pray for our President and leaders we are:

1. Disobeying God’s command—Sinning (1 Sam. 12:23).

2. Losing an opportunity to do good. “For he is the minister of God to thee for good” (Rom. 13:4). When we pray all those in positions of authority, God is able to do good through them for us whether they realize it or not.

Cursing the president is wrong. The Bible says, “Curse not the king, no not in thy thoughts” (Eccl. 10:20). “Honor the king” (1 Peter 2:17). Even a bad president is better than anarchy.

Our national leaders hold positions that were given to them by God (Ps. 75:7; 113:7-8; Dan. 2:21; 4:17, 32).

C. Because America’s leaders NEED IT. What is America’s greatest need? We don’t need more laws, more programs, more weapons, more money, etc. We need MORE PRAYER!

  1. It is our patriotic duty to pray for ALL America’s leaders. From the President to the congressmen. From the judges to the governors. From the military generals to the police officers on the streets of our city. From the mayor to the members of the local school board.
  2. Praying for your country and it’s leaders is the most patriotic thing you can do—even more patriotic than dying for your country.
  3. You and I have no right to criticize the things President Obama does if we have not been praying for him. The president may be sinning ignorantly, but we are sinning with our eyes wide open if we don’t pray.Complaining is not the answer. Instead of complaining about our leaders, we need to pray for them.
  1. Because it is for your own good (1 Tim. 2:2). Since you are a citizen of America, when you pray for your country, you are praying for yourself.
  2. Because it is GOOD (1 Tim. 2:3 cf. James 4:17).

F. Because God wants souls to be saved (1 Tim. 2:3-4).

John Piper said it this way: “If you want your prayers to do the most good for the greatest number of people, be sure to include in your prayers those persons whose decisions create the conditions in which the purposes of the gospel prosper.”

Partial sermon: FULL PDF HERE

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