Sin’s Consequences

Sin’s Consequences

2 Samuel 12:13-25

What is the greatest lie ever told? There have been some whoppers.

One little boy in Sunday School offered his definition of a lie: “A lie is an abomination unto the Lord that is very present help in time of need.”

Some famous lies:

  1. Evolution is a scientific fact.
  2. The check is in the mail.
  3. We are the government and we are here to help you.
  4. Pete Rose’s lie about never gambling on a baseball game.
  5. Lance Armstrong’s lie about never taking performance enhancing drugs.
  6. George H. W. Bush— “Read my lips: No new taxes.”
  7. Richard Nixon’s lie “I’m not a crook.” He lied about having no knowledge of the Watergate break-in or the cover-up.
  8. Bill Clinton’s lie, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Lying under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
  9. Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme: When Bernie Madoff admitted that his investment firm was “just one big lie,” it was an understatement. In 2008, he conned about $50 billion from investors who trusted him with their savings.
  10. The lie of Adolph Hitler that the Jews were the source of all the problems in the world.

However, there has never been a greater lie than the devil’s lie that you can sin and get away with it—That sin has no consequences.

Several years ago I broke my right leg in nine places in a motorcycle accident. The bones have healed, but I’m still living with the consequences every day. Likewise, when we sin, we will suffer consequences.


PARTIAL SERMON: See PDF for full sermon

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