Where Is Your Faith?

Where Is Your Faith?

Luke 8:22-25 (text v. 25)

I’m preaching a series of sermons from the Life of Jesus on “Questions Jesus Asks.” I say “asks” (present tense) instead of “asked” because these questions are as relevant today as they were when Jesus first asked them. They are questions we should ask ourselves today.

BACKGROUND: Jesus proposes that He and His disciples cross over to the other side of the sea of Galilee. It was His idea. As they sail across, Jesus falls asleep. A huge storm arises and the boat begins to take on water. Jesus remains asleep in the storm! Finally, the disciple wake Him up (v. 24). Jesus rebukes the storm and everything is calm.

Then, Jesus turned to the fearful disciples and asked, “Where is your faith?” That is the question I want us to consider in this sermon.

  • By comparing the three accounts of Jesus calming the storm we notice Jesus actually asked three questions:

1. BEFORE He calmed the storm: Matthew 8:26—“Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” This speaks of their MEASURE of faith—It was LITTLE. The disciple’s faith fainted in the storm. Proverbs 24:10 says, “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.”

2 AFTER He calmed the storm: Mark 4:40—“How is it that ye have no faith” This speaks of their MISSING faith—it was LOST. This is not a contradiction of Christ’s question in Matthew 8:26. They obviously had some faith, because they forsook all to follow Jesus. But in this particular stormy situation, they lost the “little faith” they had. This is true of most Christians. We have faith in some circumstances of life, but in other areas our faith is lacking.

3. THEN He asks about the WHEREABOUTS of their faith: Luke 8:25— “Where is your faith?” This speaks of their MISPLACING of faith. It was not LOCATED where it should have been.

I have to admit, Jesus’ question, “Where is your faith?” is somewhat peculiar to me. Put yourself in the disciples’ shoes/sandals—If you were in the middle of that storm and in jeopardy of sinking, how would YOU answer the question, “Where is your faith?” To be honest, I’d probably answer, “Well Lord, I guess the storm blew it out the window!”

That is why I  hesitate to question anyone’s faith when they are struggling through a stormy trial. I try to consider myself in their situation, lest I be also tempted!

Yet, the question is legitimate for us to consider in our own walk with Christ, since “all scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

I. The FAILURE of misplaced faith. No reason to lose your faith.

A.   WHEN do people misplace their faith?

  1. When it is put in human appearances. We allow outward circumstances to control our faith.  Faith is flourishes when things are going well… when you are healthy… your family is living for God. Faith often flounders when storms come… when illness strikes… when finances are depleted… when family is in chaos… when death takes a loved one.
  2. When it is put in human agency. “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (2 Cor. 2:5). Human agency can only do so much.
  •  When you trust in men, you’ll only get when men can do.
  • When you trust men’s devices, you’ll get what men’s devices can do.
  •  When you trust in the government of men, you’ll only get when government can do.

Middle verse in the Bible: Ps. 118:8—It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

B.  WHERE do people misplace their faith. “Where is your faith?” Every one of us need to ask ourselves this question.

Where do you put your faith when… 
  • the storms of life overwhelm you?
  • financial prospects look grim? Better not have your faith in Wall Street!
  • family pressures are more than you can bear?
  • your health is failing? Doctors? Medicine?
  • your friends let you down?
  • someone you trusted disappoints you?
  • your attempts to do something for God are being frustrated?

C. HOW does faith get misplaced?

1. A lack of understanding of the PERSON of Christ (Mk.4:41). Why shouldn’t with wind obey Him? He created it.

What already happened before they got in the boat?

  • They saw Jesus heal many people.
  • They saw Him cast out demons.
  • They heard Jesus commend the faith of the Roman centurion who believed Jesus could heal his servant from a distance.

That was the classroom setting, now comes the test. “You saw me do miracles. Now, where is your faith?”

  • The reaction of the disciples (v. 25—“What manner of man is this?”). Notice where they got the answer (vs. 26-28).

2. Disregard of the will of God. The disciples were simply doing what Jesus told them to do (v. 22).

You never need to lose your faith when you are following Jesus (v. 23).

Jesus was not upset by the storm. The only thing that upset Him was His disciples lack of faith. After all, He told them they would go over to the other side of the lake. When Jesus says they would pass over, he’s not going to let them go under.

When Jesus asked, “How is it that ye have no faith?” what did Jesus expect His disciples to do? Did He expect them to stand and rebuke the storm saying, “Peace, be still?” I don’t think so.

When a hurricane comes bearing down upon you, you can either hunker down and ride it out… or, you can pray… or, you try to get out of it’s path. But one thing you cannot do—You cannot face the storm and stop it by talking to it! Only God can do that!

I think Jesus just wanted them to trust Him to get them to the other side without drowning.

3. Failure to realize God is in control. WHO lead them into the storm? Jesus! He lead them into an uncomfortable situation.


To put them in a situation where they would be forced to trust Jesus to get through it (read Ps. 107:23-31).

Jesus not only lead them into the storm, He also accompanied them through the storm! You’re not alone!

II. The FOCUS of redirected faith.

Partial Sermon: Click here for full PDF

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