Wonderful, Counselor

Wonderful, Counselor

Partial outline – FULL PDF HERE

Isaiah 9:6; 28:29
This is the greatest verse in the Old Testament that prophesies of both the first and second coming of Christ—

“For unto us a child is born” (His CRADLE). First coming. This speaks of the humanity of Christ as the Son of Man.

“unto us a son is given” (His CROSS). “Given” (John 3:16). “Delivered up” to die for our sins. This is a reference to Christ’s deity as the only begotten “Son of God.”

“and the government shall be upon his shoulder” (His CROWN) = His second coming when He comes to reign as King of Kings.

In Isaiah 9:6 we have five names describing various attributes of Christ. In this message we will deal with the first two—“Wonderful, Counselor.

WONDERFUL” – The PERSONALITY of Jesus “Wonderful”— Full of wonder. The Hebrew word indicates “something remarkable… marvelous… uncommon… out of the ordinary.”
There is no situation where Jesus is not wonderful! He is altogether wonderful. There is nothing dull or boring about Jesus!!!

He is wonderful in what He TAUGHT

No one can improve on the teachings of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount.

Jesus’ teaching went contrary to the teachings of man: The way up is down; The way to get is to give; The way to live is to die; The way to lead is to serve. “And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he TAUGHT them as one that had AUTHORITY, and not as the scribes” (Mk. 1:21).

In 1989 a survey was taken of 3,000 high school students to determine the characteristics of their best teachers. From their answers the following composite was made: The ideal teacher is (1) genuinely concerned and interested in students as individuals; (2) requires students to work; (3) is impartial in dealing with students; and (4) is obviously enthusiastic about teaching. Jesus fits this description perfectly.

 He is wonderful in what He WROUGHT. Creation—The universe runs like a finely tuned time piece. The human body is fearfully and WONDERFULLY made! Wonderful miracles— Feeding 5,000; healing man born blind; calming storms; raising the dead; walking on water.

He is wonderful in what He BROUGHT

(See PDF for Wonderful Acrostic)

BACKGROUND (18:1-7): Israel has just come out of Egypt and begun the sojourn towards the Promised Land. Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, comes out to meet Moses.

The next day Moses resumes his administrative duties (18:13). Here Jethro gives Moses some wise counsel).


I. The Counsellor’s SENSITIVITY (v. 14-18).

  • Jethro was sensitive to Moses’ problem. Christ is sensitive to our problems also.

A. Sensitive understanding.  Jethro understood Moses’ situation because he was a man also.

  • Jesus created man and “knew what was in man.” Jesus understands our nature better than anyone since He was “made like unto his brethren” (Heb. 2:17-18). By spending 15 minutes with the Lord Jesus Christ every day, we could learn more about ourselves than years of secular counseling.

B. Sensitive union. Jethro was also RELATED to Moses. He is concerned for Moses not only as a man, but also as a son-in-law.

  • Likewise, we are joined to Jesus Christ through the new birth. We are related to Him. He is not ashamed to call us brethren, and He cares for us since we are united to Him.

II. The Counsellor’s SUPERIORITY (v. 7).


Partial Outline – FULL PDF HERE

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